Monday, February 04, 2008

A Day With Eveline

Eveline is a temporary 12 UN student. She is leaving for the US on the 1st of March next month. In order to kill her spare time, she decided to participate in the UN class for a month. Here, she contributed by doing her fascinating daily routine. Get a sneak peek of Eveline's daily doodly do right here.

Euphemism will be used in order to protect the innocent.

This is Eveline:

When the bell that signals our start of the lessons, we were instructed by our English teacher to work on the question booklet in the library. We obliged. Eveline was keeping herself busy by resting her whole body and mind. Calmness. Peace and serenity from the silent library.

Alas, when she does wake up, everyone is gone. "Shit those bastards are hiding from me!" she thought calmly to herself.

Enraged, she quickly monitored where we were using her ultra high tech, state of the art handphone. We were actually in a place that she would never suspect, the classroom. By then her eyes were red with anger and her nose quickly breathing to calm herself down. She decided to take the elevator instead of walking on this perfectly-great-day-to-take-the-stairs day.

When she caught us, she smiled proudly. "I'm so smart at playing hide and seek," she thought, nodding her head at the same time. Then she would psst-ed the girl sitting next to her. "See but dont be too obvious. There are two round peach-like shape poking from the teacher's backside pants. I wonder what it is?"


Anonymous said...

lol funny shit

Anonymous said...

weleh, semua orang tidur di perpus, di foto uda keliatan 2 orang yang tidur. ckckckckck..


Anonymous said...

terbuka sudah aib-aib ini.

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