Valentine this year is spent rather gloomily. We were scolded by our homeroom teacher because we missed chapel (again), plus several other skipping-classes-incidents. Or as Eveline puts it, our 10 sins. He threatened to give us warning notes number 1. Number 3 and you're out.
Then we decided to put it all behind us and treat ourselves to anything chocolatey. Unfortunately, because I am nt really a chocolate person, 3 chocolates made me sick already.
I really hate the fact that every sellers are using Valentine as a lousy marketing technique to sell their heart-shaped-extremely-pink chocolates, flowers and other heartsey products to indicate love. It's like we are being told that if you dont buy and give this freaky and unhealthy looking chocolates to your lved ones, you dont love them enough and deserved to be dumped. Wtf? It's such a stupid stupid scam. And yet we claimed to be free minded.
Back to school, when we went down and found this really cool clay thing in the school's bookstore, we decided right away to buy it. $1 each. Very cheap Valentine's Day gift.
We spent the day sharing the love by making unfortunately useless clay thingies that is lame in shape.
Then put it in a used-handouts-handmade-boxes, add in some candies, and tie a red ribbon over it.
Plus give a used-handouts-hndmade Valentine's card customed for each teacher, and they're all happy <3
Oh yeah btw I was such a cheapskate. When my physics teacher gave me a candy, I gave him one back. Then I gave his to another teacher. Then my English teacher gave me a chocolate lollipop, and I gave him a candy too. His lollipop, I gave to another teacher. See how efficient I was being? 2 little candies and 4 teachers are happy.
OK maybe I should be ashamed of myself.
Valentine has also proven to be an excellent excuse for everything. It's like teachers are bitten by worship-Valentine bug. All we had to do was give our sweetest smile and a little used-handouts-handmade-boxes and they melt instantly.
"Sir, can we not study today?"
"Why not, you lazy good-for-nothing students?"
"Because its Valentine's Day, Sir.."
"Oh right. OK let me just teach you for 5 minutes and then you can do your Valentine thingies."
Share the love, people. Share the love.
Long live Valentine's Day//
passing on sweets from teacher to teacher!! -- genius!! :)
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