Friday, February 01, 2008

Crippled Capital 2


It has been raining continuously since last night. By this afternoon, the downpour was so heavy and never ending that most of the roads are flooded, causing a traffic turmoil all around. It's like last year all over again.

My driver was on his way to fetch my Mom from the airport this morning. He left at 1 PM, and until now (8:42 PM), he's still on the way. On the way to the airport, mind you, not on the back home.

Anyway the electricity's out. Most of my friends are suffering heavily from blackout. Jakarta is again crippled once more.

This is so troublesome. Flood on weekend. How unintended and unwanted for all human race.

What troubles me is how could this disaster is repeated after last year's fiasco. It seems that they havent learn a thing. Maybe they're too busy going to the salons to fix their hairs to look superb and apologetic on this year's hippest event, the late Mr. Soehato's funeral to even realize.

Lets pray the rain shall not start again.


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