I hate it when school imposes rules that requires us all to be the same. These rules include same uniform (according to ur sex, obviously), same black shoes, same ankle high white socks, same can and cant do. It's like they thrive to the fact that we are all the same. I guess it makes them feel proud of themselves, that we are all successfully disciplined and punctual.
I get the idea of equality as the basis of this rule, I do. I realize that wearing free clothes to school can initiate a stark inequality between fellow students.
I hate the idea of them treating us like small children. I've been using a greenish, brownish shoes to school these days as my black shoes are gone. I decided that buying new black shoes from the school isnt worth the 4 months I'm going to use it. Another reason is that black shoes are plain obnoxious. And I'm getting daily SAMs (Special Afternoon Meetings) because of it.
I'm losing my lunch times for being different.
Today in Math, the teacher was simply super super monotonous that I had to keep myself awake by the mean of an Ipod. And what do I get from this? My Ipod is confiscated for 2 weeks.
Because noone else is listening to an Ipod.
I get that there are rules in this school that we students must unfortunately adhere to. But for me, there are only 1 reason for us students to come to school: learn. And if one have to use other means to achieve this common goal, I dont think school should punish them with any means.
It's like we students are taught to be the same. To be uniformed. To be plain, instead of being creative.
Isnt creativity the most important thing that we need once we leave the school for the real world? Isnt creativity what we need to survive?
I just dont get it sometimes. Does the school wants us to follow the rules at all times, instead of daring to be different and stand out for what we believe in? Or do they prefer us to be dumb trying to follow their rules instead of finding ways which suit us best to achieve that goal?
Im really confused sometimes.
About Me
- The Dodo
- Jakarta, Indonesia
- Having born, raised, studied, worked, played and lived in Indonesia and Europe, I am capricious by nature and curious by profession. I am inspired by words, letters, and the little things. My writings and my pictures are to me a collage of moments that I wanted to capture with all my limitations.
two thumbs up for a great writing. i love it.
when i left school, i was so glad that i didn't end up repeating my last year (common practice in ireland to get better grades...).
so soooooooooo happy!
i remember going back to a carol service the next christmas after, and my physics teach told me off for something sooo mundane. god i was happy i didn't have to go back full time.
would've been soul destroying...
but, eh, forget i mentioned anything, and keep ur chin up ;)
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