Yesterday marks the end of our HC days. 2 years of blood, sweat and tears while running around from one class to another, one paper to another, one presentation to another. That's it, it's done. A part of me is relieved, finally some moment to breathe. The other part is slightly sad. That class has taught me alot. We discussed numerous issues from different angles, but most importantly tt taught me to question. That is something that I will forever cherish. To question others, but especially myself. For it is much easier to be critical and find the fault of others but less so on ourselves.
When I was writing my speech, I realized that what's in it is merely fragments from conversations I had with people this past year. It's amazing, little did I know how profound of an impact they had on me. Especially taking into account my goldfish memory.
I was extremely nervous right before my speech. I entered the room and was taken aback by its size. I was drinking like a camel while sitting on the front row, waiting for the dean to finish his speech. As I went to the podium, my brain stopped thinking. I couldnt think, all I'm hearing was my heartbeat. I started talking. As I was standing there, the sudden realization of it all hit me. It feels like yesterday when I was sitting on the other side of the room, listening to the valedictorian delivering his speech on what it means to be honorable. And here I am today, on the other side talking.
It made me realize how far I've gone. And I like it here.
We started when we were just innocent first years. Back then, I had no clue what to expect, I was merely curious. Looking back, I realize how grateful I am for the invitation they extended to me, and for taking it. It has been fast paced, damn it was one hell of a race. A race filled with post-marks that I took in regardless of my complaints at the time. It's funny, how we complain during the time but looking back the only feeling remaining is that of gratitude. And somberness, to realize the fleeting-ness of it all. This class has never cease to make me feel challenged, to rise beyond and leap outside. To achieve things I have never imagined to achieve. Not me, I used to think. Not me.
Well, not anymore.
To me, the most memorable lectures are the ones that when they end makes you start thinking. I started curious, I end intrigued. So thank you, thank you for your whys and your hows, for questioning us and making us question in return. It has been a great ride.
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