My little brother has developed a new prank towards me: The Vending Machine. Starting last week, he has been sending me these Blackberry messages:
It's me.
I am the vending machine.
Insert coin.
He repeats that everytime I ask him to tell Mom/Dad something. Insert coin. And he goes on and on about it. I would play along, writing cling to symbolize the sound of coin. Yet he refuses to acknowledge my coin. He would type back: Insert Indonesian coin please. Your coin is not valid. Insert another coin please. On, and on, and on until you want to bang his head against a vending machine, throw coins at him and walk away.
Until this day I do not know what he means when he says insert coin please. Sometimes he would borrow my father's Blackberry just to say hi to me.
Hey there. It's me. THE VENDING MACHINE.
For some strange reason now I crack up whenever he does it. Probably because he does it during the moments that I'm stressing about something. I would smile and thought of how lovely it is to be simple-minded siblings.
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