I've been derivatively packed with things to do these weeks. Places to be, meetings to attend, housewarmings and dinners to enjoy, game theory exam coming up, game theory paper next in line, emails to write, books to read, assignments to complete. In one sense, I am loving every second. I love it because I know I'm doing it for myself. And the me inside is grateful, because life will not throw me things that I can't do. That is a blind belief that I take very seriously.
But of course, there is a tradeoff to this. With 24hours in a day, sometimes there is no enough time to do everything. Choices must be made. But with these choices come consequences. I think the most drastic would be that I do not spend as much time with those I love the most. At first I though it's alright, they're busy too. They will understand.
Today, I was having a relaxed morning with my glass of milk&fruit and a grilled Spongebob tosti when it hit me. It hit me hard. There's no better time to make time for those you love but when you're exceptionally busy. I walked to my cupboard, where I hang some letters from those who love me enough to write it. At that moment, I couldnt ask for anything else. I felt so loved. And it makes me feel so grateful. Grateful, of those who love me no matter how imperfect I am.
Grateful of being alive.
Grateful of this realization.
Grateful of everything, because everything is love.
And I'm not referring to the love between lovers. You know what, the strange thing is that this was the only kind of love I thought valid. Perhaps this is one of the most momentous realization in my life, to understand that love is universal. It spans throughout race, blood, sex, animate objects, conventional wisdom, culture, religion. It is everywhere, everyone, everything.
One of the most influential quote in my life is from Morrie Schwartz: "love each other, or perish." Sometimes we just need to take aside our pride for one second, to engage in honest openness and vulnerability of connections. Because we only have 24hrs a day, and making just a little bit of time for someone means all the joy in the world.
For some reason, I took my phone, and started making random calls at 9 in the morning just to say hi to people. I wrote emails, texts and even blackberry messenger-ed those who live on the otherside of the world. To wish them a nice day, and that I love them.
At that moment, I am incredibly grateful for all the love in the world. For the love between the postman riding past me now of his job, of the bike shop owner across the street who undully put out each and every one of his bikes outside every day, of the girl who biked listening to her ipod to the music she's hearing, to friends who are doing Finance of their academic thirst, to the love and compassion being shed everywhere in the world between strangers. Of hope, love and inspiration. Each and every second, in every posible unique realization.
Love each other or perish.
How can one be entrenched in self pity, anger, stress or frustration once we realize the sheer amount of love there is to cherish?
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