This movie is absolutely remarkable. To see someone's journey initiated, grew, flourished, floundered, shattered. But perhaps most importantly of all triumphed, all of which started with the simplest idea of hope for peace for a day.
I remember meeting someone last week, he was from Rwanda. I admitted to him that what I know of his continent is of the war and adversities and wrecked havoc. Of guns and bloodshed, of diseases and deaths. Of unnecessary losses in human lives. Of inequality. He smiled at me, and said that his view of his own continent couldnt be more different.
Sure there are areas so dangerous they get uncomfortable just by mentioning its name, but good things, human bondage and hopeful events are taking place each and everyday. Problem is, we on the other side of the world do not get these broadcasted to us. We watch the news everyday and we hear the same old news. Guns havent been able to be silenced long enough for hope to be transmitted and cynics silenced.
Why should we care? We've got food here, shelther, warmth. We are alive, everyone around us seems to be alive and well. There is nothing we can do all the way over here, it's them you need to talk to, them holding the guns and not us. But like what Jeremy said, they want the change already. Them over there cannot do anything about it. It's up to us over here to want that change, to demand that change, to unite for that change.
I think the road to believing in the goodness of people is a slippery one indeed. What you see happening around you everyday may erode, sustain or heighten that believe. It's so easy to be cynical, to be content in the status quo, to believe in the impossible. Or we can believe. We can believe with all our heart that if one man made it possible for a day of peace signed by the Talibans in the Afghanistan to vaccinate 1.4bn children and infants, maybe this can work.
If we can show that it was possible for peace to prevail in a day, perhaps we can now make it 365days when cynics are silenced, where humanity, idealism and absolute altruism conquers.
About Me
- The Dodo
- Jakarta, Indonesia
- Having born, raised, studied, worked, played and lived in Indonesia and Europe, I am capricious by nature and curious by profession. I am inspired by words, letters, and the little things. My writings and my pictures are to me a collage of moments that I wanted to capture with all my limitations.
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