I was listening to Coldplay's 'Life in Technicolors' for the first time here. The familiar tunes, all of the sudden my insides churned. It's like someone's squeezing my stomach. The last time I listened to these songs, I was cross-stitching like mad trying to finish the bears which I never did. Lil brother is just outside, watching his fav Indonesian soap opera, sis is gonna be home soon from her cafe, Mom and Dad just a staircase away.
And I realize I miss home.
I have 7 chapters and 2 days. And I cant even concentrate. If you're skrewed and you know it clap your hands.
Went kickboxing today. Still as hell-ish as before, now exhausted and blistered. Saw someone I havent seen in 2 months. Saw him, said hi and smiled. Then for some reason just continued practising while he's standing outside looking. Sometimes I think my brain cells are not even working. How stupid can I be? Guess who's consumed by regrets now?
I hate regrets. Ditto for homesickness. You dont get them that often, but once in a while, it struck you when you least expect it.
Miss ya, bro, sis, mom and dad.
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