Sunday, September 09, 2007

Juvenile Crime

There were 3 people involved: the male friend, the female friend and the boy. The male and female friends are friends, the female and the boy are friends, but the male and the boy are not. The boy has a lot of enemies in school because he's a real pain who likes to rap.

This male friend of mine allegedly accused the boy of peeking into his female friend's blouse in the school's elevator last Tuesday. During senior lunch time, when we were busy selling food to raise prom funds, the male friend confronted the boy, and the boy didnt want to confess. The boy said that what he was doing was none of the male friend's business. The male friend snatched our apple pie's knife and held it up in the air to threaten the boy. The canteen's security came in between, and soon teachers started to meddle.

That night, the male friend brought with him 6 friends to the boy's house. The boy was punched. He tattled to the female friend (whose mom happens to be his mom's cooking partner) that he was beaten by 3-4 guys. He then got a medical proof of his wounds from the local hospital. He then report the beating to the police, even though they made peace earlier.

On the contrary, the story was indeed very different when told by the male friend. He said that the boy was only punched once by a guy, and he was basically daring them to punch him. He also claimed that the boy fought in self defense. They have video proof of the event.

Today my male friend received a letter. He was summoned by the court to attend a hearing tomorrow. He's not going tomorrw, so he said.

I wonder how this is going to end. The problem is the male and his bunch know people. People who can make this go away, at the boy's own expense. Furthermore, the male friend is offended by the boy's act of reporting this to the police after they made peace earlier, and is thinking to beat him some more.

I cant believe I befriended mafias.


Anonymous said...


well, i hope the female friend in the story ain't you.

Stay away from those stupid boys...

Anonymous said...

serasa baca tabloid nova ato infotainment.

what will happen when the Mob sees this entry?


The Dodo said...

to jed, hell no! but the mob's one of my best friends.

to t,
well he'll love it. it'll sort of make him proud.

Unknown said...

sounds to me like they're brutish bully losers hate those type of guys. 4 or 5 guys go around to one guys house to pick a fight, how fscking cowardly is that?

and they're ur friends? i thought u were more intelligent than that!

Anonymous said...

To johnorfor...
"i thought u were more intelligent than that!"

I think that the point of her last sentence.

ng2000 said...

Valuable resource of juvenile crime news summaries:

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