Today I went to my new school to attend the parent-teacher meeting for the sole reason of taking my Smart Card and Parking Sticker to get in when school start. And despite the new building, they're all still the same: full of crap.
For 1 and half hour, they discussed nothing virtualy useful for any of us in that room. The raise of school fee. The new payment system. The oh-so-great HSC. The oh-so-awesome achievement of the former graduates from there. The 1 student who continually joined world olimpics for Biology. Everything good is lamented once and for all.
But never did they explained how their precious HSC happens to be unacceptable in Indonesian/European universities.
I guess the main reason of this parent-teacher meeting is to retain, and attract potential applicants to the school, which means : more income. Woohoo. Also it may act as a free marketing strategy, considering how moms in this country loves to gossip for as much as they can, boasting about the greatness of their children's schools, and hopefully one of the fooled mommy will enroll their kids into this school.
And not to speak of the new building. The new gymnasium is crap. It's very rough and... ugly. How in the hell must we work to cover it up so it'll at least be presentable for our prom night??
For 1 and half hour, they discussed nothing virtualy useful for any of us in that room. The raise of school fee. The new payment system. The oh-so-great HSC. The oh-so-awesome achievement of the former graduates from there. The 1 student who continually joined world olimpics for Biology. Everything good is lamented once and for all.
But never did they explained how their precious HSC happens to be unacceptable in Indonesian/European universities.
I guess the main reason of this parent-teacher meeting is to retain, and attract potential applicants to the school, which means : more income. Woohoo. Also it may act as a free marketing strategy, considering how moms in this country loves to gossip for as much as they can, boasting about the greatness of their children's schools, and hopefully one of the fooled mommy will enroll their kids into this school.
And not to speak of the new building. The new gymnasium is crap. It's very rough and... ugly. How in the hell must we work to cover it up so it'll at least be presentable for our prom night??
Wogh, I miss someone on the pict..
It's you den.. :P
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