It's funny how inherently fickled priorities are, how what you consider important today might be something that you have never even thought of, or even avoided, before. Does that make them less of a priority, if they change, if you know they will change? What are they?
A friend told me that when in doubt, just make sure you are going forward. "To go forward is always the right way...but what is the right way forward?"
But yet again what is forward?
I pondered upon this question - what is forward? Is it winning? Losing and learning? Falling and standing up again? Is it learning? Is it improvement?
I guess this depends on your definition of success. What is success to you? What matters most to you? What do you value the most at this point in time?
To know what you want close to your heart, what you would like to be remembered for, what you stood up for with every single thing that you do - isn's this mere acknowlegement already a way forward?
During a dinner with a friend she told me how she saw a little girl crying infront of a supermarket. She was lost. After a while her dad found her, shoved her off the ground and told her that everything is going to be alright while showing her the way home. She told me how at that point she felt a pang in her heart - she was envious of that little girl. A guiding hand, is that what we miss most as we grew up? Or is it just because we are growing up that we purposely left it behind, so that we would grow up?
I began to ponder.
About Me
- The Dodo
- Jakarta, Indonesia
- Having born, raised, studied, worked, played and lived in Indonesia and Europe, I am capricious by nature and curious by profession. I am inspired by words, letters, and the little things. My writings and my pictures are to me a collage of moments that I wanted to capture with all my limitations.
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