I travelled to Bordeaux for the weekend, went CouchSurfing by myself. I couldnt hope for a better way to spend the weekend. I arrived on Friday afternoon, explored the city by myself before I met up with my host. His name is Jonathan, a guy with such big and open heart.
On Saturday morning, he took me to a market to get bread, cheese and vegetables for the weekend. And trust me when I say the French know their cheese! We got 4 different kinds and theyre all marvelous in their own distinct ways. It was on our way home that I discovered that Jonathan bakes his own Macarons. I stopped in disbelief. You bake your own Macarons and you didnt mention it before?? He laughed and suggested we make it. I was trying to conceal the grin on my face that says WE ARE GOING TO MAKE MACARONS!
And so we did. It was easier than I thought, yet I know I will not be able to make it myself. I have to say it is much more fun to make them, almost as much fun as eating them! After we formed slash put them in rounch shapes, we left for St Emilion, a beautiful charming wine village near Bordeaux. The drive was just marvellous, we drove through vineyards after vineyards, different chateaux that seemed infinite.
Un peu de soleil, c'etait divin.
In St Emilion, we parked and decided to take a walk around the city. It is a very borgeois tourist city that sells highly priced wines, but it is charming nonetheless. We took a walk through the vineyards, walked in a monastery. It was such a pleasant afternoon. That to me is travelling. That feeling that time stretches and the ordinary becomes extraordinary.
On Sunday we drove to Archachon to the beach, only to decide to go and hike up la Dune du Pila, the highest sand dune in Europe. Not knowing what to expect, I went along. We parked the car and took this little path through the forest. After awhile, Jonathan told me to look up. I looked up and thought I was in Egypt. It was the biggest sand dune I have ever seen, it looked like a mountain.
To my disbelief, we hiked it. We hiked that ginormous sand dune with my slippers. It was drizzling slightly so the sand was awfully slippery. In the middle of the hike I told him that I am scared of height but decided, with what will power I am not sure, to not look down and continued up. Several torturous moments later we made it to the top. I looked scared shitless and freezing, not the look I thought I would have when going to Bordeaux. It's better.
I turned and was speechless by the beauty that stood before me. It was misty from that height, looking down to this collection of trees that looked like a rainforest. It was the first time I have ever been so close to nature, and it took my breath away. I couldnt believe that I was actually in France. I looked to my right and it was the sea.
I couldnt conceal my amazement. At that moment it was all worth it. Everything that happened has happened which allow for that moment to happen. My mind was silent and I truly appreciated everything; the hurtful, the sweet, the lovely, the lonely, the rain, the sand between my toes.
I left inspired.
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