I dont know how I can constantly humiliate myself. This morning, while waiting for my tram, I was talking to this guy. At one point, I exclamated that it's so awesome there's a prickle of sun (after DAYS of endless rain and snow and hail and darkness) especially today, Valentine's.
He looked at me, clearly puzzled. But today is not Valentine's, he said. I looked at him like he's doing drugs. Of course it is! My friend invited me to attend her Salsa Valentine's Party tonight at the Rotterdam Airport. He looked at me like I'm an idiot, reached into his pocket and produced a phone.
Friday, February 13th.
I looked at him and did what we girls are so good in doing, talk about the weather and changed the subject.
Thing is, I actually brought some heart lollies for my friends today. Thought it would be nice, since we're having exams (bloody again) in 1 and a half weeks. So I decided to eat 1 on my way to school. I was looking outside the window while sucking it, it's awesome. It's like sweet and sour and 100% awesome!!! I was thinking of buying more to supply in my room for rainy days when I realized the guy was looking at me like I have 'Retard' written on my forehead.
I just realized that day I put my hair into 2 pigtails. Even I would look in pity when there's a girl with pigtails sucking a lolli in the tram.
Oh my word. Kill me. Kill me now.
In the tutorial, my friend told me that I look like I'm 5.
Note to self: never ever do your hair ever again.
During Maths lecture, due to very early class (NINE!!!), my brain wasnt home yet. So I decided to kill the time by rolling my kboxing bandage. It has somehow the form of rolled tissue paper, and when I'm so close to the end, IT SLIPPED FROM MY FINGERS.
To my horror, I screamed NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO as the bandage unrolled itself down the floor. I bent to pick it up, and when my head emerged from the chairs, I noticed the professor is looking at me.
No what, my dear?
Fuck. Fuck.
Skrew this Denica-no-cursing policy.
At the end of the day, I skipped kboxing class since I was certain today is cursed. And my best friend lost 25 euros, someone pickpocketed her. IN THE LIBRARY. Where have we gone to, people? How can we feel safe when we can't even be safe in the bibliotheek, a sanctuary for education?
Stupid Friday the 13th.
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