Went to my first gala last Friday, it was so much fun! Pretty unconventional, but awesome nonetheless. We had fine dining (which consist of literally portions for a hobbit on a food strike) with some jazzy classic christmas carols, free flow of white wine and good conversations.
After that, we had presidential speech, and straight to partying. No, no slow dancing or such like what I was drooling about, but straight down to business. Oh well. It was funny in a way hahaha.
And guess what I gave my date? A palm-size smiling from ear-to-ear flower doll that he end up putting on his chest pocket all night long. It was so funny. I didnt know that we had to adhere to the theme "Roaring Twenties", and I only thought that we were supposed to our dates gold gifts. And because I, ehem, was so lazy that I left the gift-hunt until 3 hrs before the gala, I couldnt find anything gold and decent.
So I figure the flower would look gold proportionate to people's alcohol consumption.
And it was so funny. When I gave him the gift, my date looked at me like I'm wearing a Teletubies costume. And I burst out laughing.
Lucky he was such a gentleman that he put it on the whole night. And it was so funny, everyone would come up to him and made remarks like "What the hell?". And I just stare blankly at them with my most innocent expression and say "I have nothing to do with it."
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