It has come to my attention that my family is evil. What kind of pure-hearted people, after 4 months of their dear sister and daughter's absence, would come up with these remarks when they saw a picture of their beloved sister and daughter in Rotterdam:
Mom: "Holey shit did you gain 10kgs??"
Older sister: "Crap is that your arm or your thigh?"
Oldest sister: "Well you are a midget. So all those fat goes straight to your width instead of your length. Just see your deformed abnormal looking fingers."
Older brother: "Nice, sugar-addict sister."
Right now I miss them more than ever, to hug them and show off my deformed middle finger. Bastards. Except for you, Mom and Dad! Please dont disown me and stop my money supply!
I guess I am one of them hahahahahaha muahahahahahahahha.
Tuesday, December 30, 2008
Monday, December 29, 2008
Scrooge-y Christmas

Here's an interesting paper I read yesterday. No I am not weird, this thing just pops out of nowhere and I happened to not have anything else better to do. No, dammit, I am not a nerd.
Well OK maybe a little bit. On a purely self justification reasons, being a nerd is not a bad thing. Nerd is the new cool. Ha!
Such a thing you wouldnt expect to hear from an economist, for long been thought as selfish, benefit minded etc. It is true and I completely agree that a gift shouldnt be lavish in order for it to be remembered. Most of the times the value that the receiver put on the present is much less compared to the cost the buyer had to pay for it. Gifts should instead be thoughtful, or better yet something that you made yourself. Something you wouldnt expect coming from an economist.
I am a present person. I love presents. I especially love wrapping them. Eventhough I am lacking any giftwrapping skills thereof. I had to glue the ribbons to the stupid box just to make it stay muaha (which explains why the ribbon is both pink and red (A) ). Creativity beats natural gifts, I'm telling ya.
Moreover, I love receiving them (unshameful confession). I love love love the feeling when you pulled the ribbon slowly with building anticipation of knowing what could it possibly be. Could it be a doll? A CD? Or quite often now, your friend's idea of a prank, to give you some weird sex-related object.
No it's not funny. My friends are perverts. Sometimes I am tempted to give them a soap as a present to wash their dirty brains.
Also today...
...My sister's birthday!!!! HAPPY 22ND BIRTHDAY, CACA!!! This calls for celebration (and presents :) ), when I get home :) :) :) Wishing you a great one!
Sunday, December 28, 2008
Man I love Rotterdam.
I am back in Rotterdam again. Feels good to be home (eventhough its not 'home' home). I went back 2 nights ago. The moment I stepped out the train, I cant help but smile, and all I want to do is hug somebody. Thank God I didnt give in to my natural instincts or people might think that I'm a freak.
Eventhough I've been thought worse before.
Anyways I cooked today and it turned out AWESOME. I imagine its imaginary packaging, written in the ingridients section: 100% awesomeness. I. Am. Hungry.
All of the sudden it's so cold now. It dropped to negative celcius in a blink. I didnt know, and I was stupid enough to wear my one and only white jogging short this morning. I think if, IF, someone would come up to me from an alley and chop my legs, I wouldnt even feel anything.
Maybe I should come out from an alley and chop Eyasu's legs. Oh or his curls. That would hurt more.
Man I love Rotterdam.
I am back in Rotterdam again. Feels good to be home (eventhough its not 'home' home). I went back 2 nights ago. The moment I stepped out the train, I cant help but smile, and all I want to do is hug somebody. Thank God I didnt give in to my natural instincts or people might think that I'm a freak.
Eventhough I've been thought worse before.
Anyways I cooked today and it turned out AWESOME. I imagine its imaginary packaging, written in the ingridients section: 100% awesomeness. I. Am. Hungry.
All of the sudden it's so cold now. It dropped to negative celcius in a blink. I didnt know, and I was stupid enough to wear my one and only white jogging short this morning. I think if, IF, someone would come up to me from an alley and chop my legs, I wouldnt even feel anything.
Maybe I should come out from an alley and chop Eyasu's legs. Oh or his curls. That would hurt more.
Thursday, December 25, 2008
Christmas without these retards

I miss these retards, minus my big sister (because she lives here too, duh!) but plus my big brother (because he's an evil retard who is proudly willing to make me look like a retard just to make him look cool). My sissy little brother's girly shriek, my sister's pure evilness, and the homey feeling Ma and Pa brought when theyre around.
Cant wait :)
Merry Christmas, everyone.
Tuesday, December 23, 2008
Christmasing with strippers with big boobs
Yes, I am spending Chrismas in Amsterdam, the most liberal city in the most liberal coutry in the world. Today I wandered around alone, with nothing planned. The stores are mostly identical to Rotterdam, so I decided to go to smaller shops. It was awesome. I found this puny English bookstore (yes, I am still a Dutch illiterate) that sells vintage books and ended up spending 2 hours browsing through their book cabinets.
I love bookstores. I love the smell of that new crisp books, the feeling on your fingers when you touch the unopened covers. Of course, second hand books work just as well for me. I am just too much of a bookgeek to resist :)
Then I decided to go for a run. I dont know my way around here, so the word 'lost' came flashing in my mind numerously. But I liked it. I am always lost. But for me it helps me to learn. As pathetic as that sounds, I learn better when I'm lost. Lucky I always find my way back, or else it would be bad.
My friends once joked that I should wear a collar with my name and address and emergency number for people to call when they found me.
Anyways I think Amsterdam is more Christmassy in a sense compared to Rotterdam. When I went running, I stopped at times just to stare at the black canals with Christmas lights from the nearby houses glistening on its surface (it's not icky dirty black, it was just dark). I find it beautiful.
It's also amusing how you run and in some areas, it's not fresh night air that fills your lungs but the sour smell of weeds. I find it funny. I like to think that it's the only thing that kept me going while my lungs are demanding for me to just pay and take the tram home.
I cant believe it's my first Christmas away from home. I can't wait to go home on April for 2 weeks of nothing and I mean nothing but sun and great food.
Thursday, December 18, 2008
Sunday, December 14, 2008
The Fear of Flunking
After a whole weekend of Micro, MY BRAIN IS COMITTING SUICIDE. It's running around naked, shouting and jumping off from the cliff one cell to another. Today I woke up, tried to do 1 chapter and I realized my brain has completely shut itself off. I knocked, pleading for mercy but it firmly says NO. NO MORE, WHORE.
I'm so gonna fail.
Anomalously, I like micro. I do, I really do. Thats why the suckiness of failing the stoopid midterm exceeds the cost of failing (which is YOU HAVE TO GET HIGHER GRADE IN THE EXAM). Which is damn impossible.
I think my brain function is enjoying the application of the Law of Diminishing Return. It goes wooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo to 0 productivity.
I am turning into a bloody nerd.
Wednesday, December 03, 2008
Went to my first gala last Friday, it was so much fun! Pretty unconventional, but awesome nonetheless. We had fine dining (which consist of literally portions for a hobbit on a food strike) with some jazzy classic christmas carols, free flow of white wine and good conversations.
After that, we had presidential speech, and straight to partying. No, no slow dancing or such like what I was drooling about, but straight down to business. Oh well. It was funny in a way hahaha.
And guess what I gave my date? A palm-size smiling from ear-to-ear flower doll that he end up putting on his chest pocket all night long. It was so funny. I didnt know that we had to adhere to the theme "Roaring Twenties", and I only thought that we were supposed to our dates gold gifts. And because I, ehem, was so lazy that I left the gift-hunt until 3 hrs before the gala, I couldnt find anything gold and decent.
So I figure the flower would look gold proportionate to people's alcohol consumption.
And it was so funny. When I gave him the gift, my date looked at me like I'm wearing a Teletubies costume. And I burst out laughing.
Lucky he was such a gentleman that he put it on the whole night. And it was so funny, everyone would come up to him and made remarks like "What the hell?". And I just stare blankly at them with my most innocent expression and say "I have nothing to do with it."
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