Friday, November 19, 2010

The best thing to end your visit in a country is to shop in the supermarket of another country for the first time.

Je suis heureux de pouvoir revenir chez Auchan!


As I witness the clock moving slowly, with its grace and definite manner, I began to think. After fooling around for 3 weeks travelling and eating, it somewhat scares me to go back to the responsibilities. Being here filled me with doubts in the beginning, missing that plane to Paris might not be that great of an idea and I struggled with that thought of dumbness. Could it be that following your emotions cause only damages?

I had a conversation about happiness (en francais, oui) with a friend in Vienna yesterday and it brightened my day. The question is whether one can be happier when one follows one's heart or to follow one's head? Can it be that we are happier when we just try to be less than selfish, to help others along the way and that should be enough? If one prefers to follow one's heart, how do one truly know what one truly desires? For emotions can be a fooler, thieves of time because it takes years to adequately understand one's heart.

For it takes no time to fall in love but years to know what love is-Jason Mraz.

That regret is beginning to subside with the realization of gratitude. The freedom to be able to live and make mistakes, to fall and learn, to get lost and be found again. The freedom to think and realize nothing is ever a mistake, merely a lesson in disguise.

These past couple of weeks I have been struggling with the lingering desire to understand. The want to know what I want, the longing to acknowledge and take the steps to make it real. I have little progress in that so far, and how that frustrated me. I felt confused, lost. Yet again does anyone know what one truly wants? A part of the blessed few, I sit here pondering on whether most of us has been asleep all these time through life.

Amartya Sen once said that human development can only be achieved when there is freedom, I made a speech on that for my graduation. Maybe its time to live according to what I preached.


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