...are amazing. I love the colors, the authentic infrastructure, the grandness. Wat Phra Kaew is something to see alright. Do remember to dress accordingly if you have any types of temples in your itinerary. They require you to wear appropriate clothing which means that your arms and ankles must be covered. I didnt bring anything that long, so I had to stand in the line for an hour to borrow a coverup. It was not pleasant, if you imagine Bangkok's highly hot climate.
Also, the complex is HUMONGOUS. And surprise, surprise, there aint no automatic means of transport to sightsee through it. You have to use your God-given pair of legs. I was dehydrated, exhausted and famished halfway already that we (my sister and I) went out for food and ditched the temples. We went shopping. But trust me, it wasnt the temples' fault. If it has a label on it, it would read: INGRIDIENTS, Denica's fault 99.5%.

I also love the shrines. We visited some on our day excursion to Ayuthaya. What struck me the most was the peaceful ambience. Like a sheltered bubble, all beings coexisting regardless of their differences. Animals, humans, trees, statues. I liked it. I liked it alot.

Thai people is exceptionally polite, all smiles and very open to share their culture with nothing less but complete pride. I liked that. Peacefulness literally radiated throughout the whole country. Thai people love, adore and worship their King. A friend whom I met there told me once how the whole nation wore yellow during the period of which the King fell ill. Yellow, because it is the color of the day he was born, Monday I think. The look on her face when she told this to me, smiling so proud, like a mother sharing a piece of charming trivia about her children.
It was like a fashion that time, she said. Everyone just wore yellow. Because we believe it would ease the King's sickness.

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