Friday, July 10, 2009

Knee Infection

Yes, that wound on my knee is infected. I have been busy with catching up that I completely forgot about my knee. That is, until one day I woke up and the inner crust (the only small part left) is totally gone. Then, I noticed how this transparent liquid started to come out of it. And I started freaking out a little bit. I know my biology skill is relevant with 5th graders, but I thought that it might be white blood cells.

My patriotic white blood cells who fought and lost the battle to evil microbeings rooted in my wound.

It dried after 2 days, so my mom told me to go the doctor for some anti-scar lotion or something. You know, something to preserve my old knee. He gave me this antibiotic lotion to put on my wound because he saw some strange yellow-blackish part on my wound. I applied it dutifully, until I realized yellow stuff actually started to come out. This time my retarded biology-related brain waves a red flag. I had slight fever, and was being a complete drama queen to my sister.

I think my knee is infected.

No it's not. (while looking at my knee)

No? How about now?




Are you sure?

How about now?

I know. I am a complete bitch when in unchartered water. But turns out being a drama queen is sometimes a good thing, because my knee is infected! So it has been lolipop-frenzy, pony rides and absolute fun here.


The doctor prescribed more antibiotic medication to me. He told me that he suspects some alien object is still left in my knee, stitched in absolute ignorance.

Holey shit.

He said there might be a possibility of having another surgeon reopen my stitches, clean it and stitch it back.

Blood drained out of my face. I do not like that possibility. At all.

The worst part is I might not be able to go to my well-deserved vacation to Thailand next month. I am devastated, since I am sincerely looking forward to a week of absolute sightseeing. DAMN YOU, MICROBEINGS, WHY CANT YOU FIND SOME OTHER TIME TO ROOT IN ME.

Please please, microbeings, having known me for a week now I am sure you have developed quite some bond with me right? I believe you have come to like me somehow given how generous I've been to you, letting you stay for free for over a month? So why dont you kindly die and come out as your gross fellow yellow stuff and let mommy go to Thailand?

Or I will resort to ancient crazy-cat-woman chanting to banish you, you little shit.

I did not mean that.


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