Tamara Tempura, my little evil niece :-*
I am getting tired of this game. Every human contact seemed somehow like a battlefield, idle on your war strategies and you are worse than skrewed. We are bombarded by social norms, of how things should be. For some reason we ended up with this idea to be the one with the power in a relationship.
And I'm not just talking about romantic relationship. Even some friendships are exhausting to me. To somehow get the balance of "I like you and I really want to spend time with you" and "I have another life so I am not going to spend my 24/7 with you". You have this mindset that you will not let yourself to be outweighed by the first one: to be needy. Because, you know, it's not cool to be needy.
Before you know it, you are too focused on not being needy. Pride preservation ultimately drives you and your friend away, because both find it crucial to have another life.
I am getting tired of it.
I think life is complicated enough without us having to complicate it some more. It seems to me like my brain is constantly conspiring to complicate everything. Take something and magnify it using a NASA telescope, and turn an incredibly dumb look whenever someone brings it up.
What is this false accusation you are making? I do no such magnifying.
But I do. And as hard as it is for me to take it in, there will be no advancement from this point. So here I am trying to simplify things now. It should be more "Yes" or "No" depending on your utility, but no "But" or "If only". It is what it is and the faster you take on that, the faster we can move on.
When you like someone, it is OK to be vulnerable. Take off your battle shields and just go and say what you want to say. After all, why do we care so much about what the other person will think? If it works, then great. If it doesnt, now you know better. You cant win it all, and you've got nothing to lose.
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