Monday, September 01, 2008

First Day of School ;-p

Well this has been the day that I've been waiting for quite a while (OK, pretty mych throughout my bum days). We didnt have to do anything much, just sit in between lectures given to explain pretty much everything we need to know about our study. Tomorrow, however, the brain is demanded. 9 AM, and case studies all day long.

Didnt get much sleep last night. No I wasnt too excited for my first day or anything. It's just last night it was raining quite bad, and the wind was really strong. I was sleeping soundly when all of the sudden my door creaked open slowly, wish a rush of cold wind, revealing a dark empty staircase. This happened 3 times, and my heart was pounding like a rabbit's.

At 2 PM, students are given the choice to leave or listen to the Prime Minister's words of welcome. We planned to come, so we went in and sat down at the first student's rows. We look around, there are flower bouquets everywhere, along with lots of cameras. Apparently its also live on the Dutch channels.

The formality of the room started choking us.

After some initial hesitation and a lot of laughter, me and two other guys decided to go get some lunch instead. The speech was also in Dutch. So yes, no loss there. We took the tram, and something really funny happened.

We were mocking each other, like we always do. And this friend was all about "Haha Denica is so retarded and stupid. Go home to China!"

And I was like, "Dude, I'm from Indonesia!"

"Yes but you're Chinese. Embrace that!"

He was teasing me, and I teased him for being Dutch. Although we both know what we're saying are NOT true. Chinese or Indonesian or Dutch are not stupid. Or retarded. We are though. We were laughing so hard some people in the tram started to laugh aswell. Probably at us.

Finally I said, "Hey can we go to the bank first? I need to ask some info about opening an account."

He said, "Pfft why do you want to go to the Dutch bank? Go to cing cong cung bank!"





Anonymous said...

cing cong cung bank?ain't that retarded n ignorant.

Anonymous said...

Pffttt. Racist. Tell him to choke on cannabis next time.
Ooh your house is so spooky! Did you lock the door?

The Dodo said...

lol no hes not a racist, isyana. it was a joke. and i found it really funny cause i know he didnt mean it :)

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