Last night my little brother was having a BOYS NIGHT IN! Yes, MY LITTLE BROTHER. To get the most out of mom and dad's trip away, he invited some of his mates for a sleepover, and played football games on the PS3 in the living room (infront of MY room) till dawn (cue the NOISES AND CHANTING AND SCREAMING).
And what did I do? Locked in my room, cross stitching while listening to Coldplay repeatedly. You wont believe it, but I was under ROOM ARREST. My brother didnt let me out out of fear I'm gonna ruin his boys night in.
After 5 hrs, I almost went out of my mind. So I sneaked out to use the laptop to go online and amuse myself. When he saw me, I quickly mimmicked a crazy face and say: "IM GOING BALOONEY FROM STAYING INSIDE TOO LONG! I NEED THIS GOD DAMMIT!" yeah I was pretty desperate.
Then instead of feeling sorry for causing this distress, he looked at me in distaste and say: "Just make it quick. We need the laptop."
On top of that, he ate my PRECIOUS HELLO PANDA. AND borrowed money for McDonald's delivery.
I've been locked in, stolen from and extorted.
When I walked back to my room, his McD came. So I pranced to him and asked what did he bought me. He said, take whatever you want. Smiling, I stole some of his fried chicken's skin. When I put it back, he pushed me aside and whispered: "We're having a boys night in here. So if you dont mind going to bed like any other good girl." while pushing me slowly back to my room.
He shoved me in, and very joyfully said "OK THEN HAPPY CROSS STITCHING!" complete with a really wide grin, then closed the door in my face.
I look at my brother, and all I can imagine is him being a pinata.
Consider it an early parting gift brother.