Saturday, March 15, 2008

My Daily-Dos

Subject: beb
Date: Fri, 14 Mar 2008 19:49:32 +0000

berhubung dnica skrg sudah jadi pengangguran murni,, 5 kegiatan pokok sehari2 yg gw perkirakan:
1. bangun siang jam 10-11 atau mungkin jem 12
2. gak mandi pagi ( mandi malem juga kgk kali)
3. nge mil non stop
4.cek fs - facebook - msn - blogspot.
5. jemput adik di sekolah.

My defense: NO! (For some).

As I am officially unemployed, my 5 daily must-do list:

1. sleep at 11 pm.
2. woke up at 6.30 am (OK, this is all because my stupid brother thought that 'snooze' in his phone means 'alarm off'. Thus his disco version of "We are The Champion" forcefully awakens me this morning!)
3. Check my emails, MSN, FB, FS (OK, you were right, darling :p)
4. Find things to eat from the kitchen (OK, this too)
5. Watch Discovery travel and living, David's Dolce Vitta, Nigella, Jamie. Oh. Guilty pleasure.

But in my defense, I am wayyyyyyyyy more productive than I was in the UAN class. Now, I would reform broken bonds with friends over distance, go to the gym, play the piano, read my daily novels, watch the news etc etc.

So no regret yet I guess.

Altho I do miss my cattle-friends back in the UAN class. Will post some dirty UAN pictures later. Spreading Andrew's most embarassing and personal pics.

*evil sneer*


Anonymous said...

"dirty UAN pictures" *wow!!

Unknown said...

take it easy for a while, sounds like u deserve it!

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