Tuesday, October 09, 2007

Arent We All?

Have you ever heard of the term 'friends in need'?

Probably you have, or havent. I dont know. I suppose an intrepretation would suggest that a good friend is the ones who's there in need as oppose to only in good times.

But we tend to search for someone only when we need them, and treat them like garbage when we dont have anything important to do with them yet, until the day when we need them again. As in another intrepretation of the abose phrase: friends searched only when in need.

What do those friends do? They smile in understanding. "That's just human nature", said them. It's probably better to be looked for once in a while than not being acknowledged at all.

It is the belief that helped us go through every booty-call. But one day, alas God knows when, some of them got sick and tired of it to say "the hell with he/she" and moved on.

Do you like to be those accepting the booty calls? But who are we to comment. Some, or most of the times, we are the one who made that call, and someone on the other end's answering it.

Guess everybody's the same, whether or not they acknowledge it, whether they did it unconsciously, or deliberately. Its time for us to look within to know.


Anonymous said...

that's life.that's world. sorry u were caught in that that world.

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