Saturday, June 16, 2007


And Im not just saying it. I mean it, from the bottom of my heart.

I dont hate it because of the assignments that we are given, the assessments, or any attempt they made to make our lives harder for the sake of education. I hate that fcking school because they're so fcking stingy and they made decisions based on what they think is best for us withput even consulting us about it.

Clearly what we pay per month does not by any means reflect what we deserve.

We're moving to the new building right after we re-entered the school from this June holiday, and the school allegedly say that for the sake of efficiency, my class (12-4) the other non-maths extension class, 12-3, will be combined since both classes consist of less than 15 people. They said that the new classes in the new building are built for 30 people, and so by combining the 2 classes, maximum efficiency can be attained as teachers will have more time to prepare themselves before teaching us.

And I found out that a teacher who had 24 periods (1 period= 40minutes) to teach us will now only have 18 hrs to spend with the Yr 12. The rest of their free periods are to be spent teaching the new Yr 10. WHAT THE HELL? What happened to the teachers being given more periods to prepare the materials to be taught in the merged classes??

After we come back to school a month from now, we will only be a month away from our HSC trials. They agreed that the current 12-3 and 12-4 are not effective in preparing for the trials because our classes are half empty and we dont respect the teachers. So they said that they prayed and decided that by joining both classes, we will be able to absorb the materials better.

And how are they expect us to do this? If both classes are trouble makers indeed, by combining us, the only thing that they will combine is the troubles. If now teachers complaint that the learning process is ineffective now, how can they possibly think that it would improve once we are combined?? Are they that dumb?

The school officially told us that we're indeed being combined yesterday, on the last day of school. And we confronted them, we complained, we protested, we debated. By the end of the day, all they can say that they have prayed and discussed this issue before, and this is by any means the best solution to this matter,which is for us to be combined.

When we asked them why didnt they ask for our opinion before making that decision, they said that some things are better left ou from students hands to simplify it. Bottomline they said that they're doing what think is best for us, which does not necessarily represent our views.

Yesterday also we were given notifications for the parents regarding a rise in our school fees. What we're paying now, in the last 5 months of our school days, is 50% higher than what we paid when we first entered the school.

More payments, with less privilege.

With what we're paying them, cant they allocate it to hire new teachers instead of making up reasons to share what we already have? We are facing the trials, and soon the HSC for christ's sake. And our classes are being merged, so teachers will only have to teach us once instead of twice. Then they said it is only for our own benefit, where teachers can prepare better for the lessons to help us with the upcoming HSC. And behind our backs, our teachers who now have more free time, are told to teach the new Yr 10.

Are they willing to put efficiency above effectiveness? What they consider efficient in the first place are not effective for the teachers to fully concentrate on the class and pass on the knowledhe.

That fcking school is smart. They gain more without considering the ethical issues. Fck them, we're not paying. The hell with their cash flow to build the other wing of the school.


Anonymous said...

Wek, sekolah emg sux, gw jg benci tp gw ga boleh kluar ama bonyok gw sebelum HSC gw selse.. T_T Emosi gw, tambah mahal lg feenya.. swt deh.. :(

Jed Revolutia said...

as an avid reader and someone who works in the educational field, i could say that this essay is one of the best i've ever read about school.

two thumbs up.

Unknown said...

man that sounds real bad!

those private schools sound so dodgy.

they know u guys need them for the last leg in the run up to the finals, so they know they can charge more for less, cos u have no where to go...

nice way to make a quick buck, eh?

sheesh, if u have any younger bros or sisters, maybe u should recommend they leave...

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